Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Albertsons Match Ups

Those Krazy Coupons Ladies, Joanie and Heather, have put together an awesome list of great deals over at Albertsons! You can also score free burritos or chimichangas with the Chill Promo that is going on for the rest of  March. That scenario looks like this:

Buy 10 partcipating items, save $10 on your  next order.
Buy 10 Jose Ole frozen burritos or chimichangas $1.00
Pay $10, get a $10 cat
then, buy 10 more burritos or chimichangas $1.00
Use the $10 cat from the previous order, get another $10 cat!

Go HERE to check out their detailed list of deals and coupon match-ups!
Thanks KCL!!!

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