Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our Newest Addition!

I am happy to announce the newest addition to the SoCal Frugal Deals and Steals page- our very own Coupon Database!

At the top of the blog, you should see a small search box labled "Coupon Database." This database includes hundreds of internet printables and valuable saving resources! For instance, I publish a post about a great money making scenario on Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks (yes, this is foreshadowing my friends)- you can go to the database, enter "fruit snacks" or "Betty Crocker", hit search- and BAM! The database will pull up any corresponding coupons, including links (for printables and sign ups) or sources (like magazines, newspapers, blinkies, tear pads etc.) Use the side arrows to scroll up and down- you won't see the coupons in the window, but they are there! I hope you love this database as much as I do, it is a great way to save time searching for coupons you need!
Happy Couponing!

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